ALL Adaptive Athletes - Kids & Adults - are FREE!
Use the “ADAPTIVE” coupon code at check out. (There will be a $1 charge for insurance purposes)
Our event recognizes that Adaptive Athletes have additional expenses that they incur from medical bills, transportation costs, specialized childcare, etc. and we want this event to be an inclusive environment where finances are not another obstacle for them.
This division is sponsored by Auger & Auger Law. This company has been a great partner of Beers & Burpees for 4 years and a huge advocate for our Adaptive Community. Stop by their tent on October 1st to find out more about what they do.

Adult Adaptive Division - 2:20pm HEAT
Use Coupon Code: ADAPTIVE for free registration
WORK OUT - 3 Rounds - 25 minute cap - 1 optional beer before each round (shared by the partners) plus 1 beer at the end.
400m Sprint/Run (Both partners) ** Wheeled athletes will have a wheeled sprint option **
25 Seated Slam Balls/Slam Balls to a Box
25 Burpees to a Box/Floor to Box Transfers (20/12)/Push Ups to Plates or Box
25 Slam Ball Thrusters to a Box/weighted squats/Air Squats (Standing). Slam Ball Push Press/Lap to Overhead/shoulder to shoulder (seated)
25 Step Ups/Step Ups to Alternate Heights/Chair Transfers/Floor to box Transfers
** Modify any movements as needed.
Use Coupon Code: ADAPTIVE for free registration
WORKOUT - The following is the standard workout exercises for the Adaptive Kids, HOWEVER, the workout will be individually modified and catered to which ever specific modifications each kid needs. See the video below for some of the common modifications, but any modifications are allowed.
3 Rounds - 12 minute cap:
Eat a Brownie
250 yard run/wheeled sprint
25 lunges
25 jumping jacks
25 air squats
25 burpees
See video below for Movement Adaptations.
Questions on Adaptive Movements? Contact Dr. Amanda Kloo at or Mike at